Grade 4 and 5 End of Term Exams

Mathematics SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (20 MARKS) a) {}                       b) Ø                      c) ∅                       d) All of the above a) Sets can have duplicate elements.                       b) The order of elements in a set matters. c) The cardinality of a set is the number of distinct elements it contains.Continue reading “Grade 4 and 5 End of Term Exams”


SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (20 MARKS) a) Equilateral triangle     b) Isosceles triangle        c) Right triangle                d) Acute triangle a) 90 degrees                    b) 180 degrees                 c) 270 degrees                  d) 360 degrees a) Acute angle                   b) Right angle                   c) Obtuse angle                d) Straight angle a) 12 cm                            Continue reading “TRIANGLES END-OF-TERM EXAM”

Identifying the Types of Triangles

Triangles are one of the most fundamental shapes in geometry. They are made up of three sides and three angles, and they can be found in countless shapes and structures in the natural and man-made world. One of the most important aspects of understanding triangles is knowing the different types that exist. In this blogContinue reading “Identifying the Types of Triangles”